Resources and Links

As devote Catholics (of the Eastern Rite) we believe that Jesus Christ has jurisdiction over every aspect of our lives. This means that we should be turning to Him everyday, throughout the day, not just relegating Him to an hour each Sunday.

Each morning, before you get out of bed (and reach for your phone), thank Him for another day and ask Him for blessings for the day to come. Remember to pray before and after each meal, and before bed at the conclusion of each day. Also, throughout the day, try to add the Jesus Prayer or Rosary while you’re driving in your car, washing the dishes, or anytime you need as quell some stress or anxiety.

Below, are some links to Catholic resources from across the web that will help you to grow in your spiritual life, gain discernment in tumultuous times, and with which to emulate your Creator.

Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton

Spiritual direction, news, and resources from Bishop David.

Information Resource of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church

Spiritual direction, news, and resources from Bishop David. | Живе Телебачення

This “socio-religious” project of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church is online voice of the UGCC, facilitating the spiritual growth of the faithful even when they are unable to physically attend church services.

Живе Телебачення (Живе ТБ, Телебачення УГКЦ, УГКЦ наживо) – це суспільно-релігійний проект Української Греко-Католицької Церкви, який забезпечує присутність УГКЦ в медійному просторі та надає віруючим можливість чути голос Церкви, приймати участь у богослужіннях навіть в той час, коли вони не мають змоги відвідувати храм особисто.

Podcasts and Channels

Dr. Taylor Marshall

From January 2012 until June 2013, Marshall served as the chancellor of the College of Saints John Fisher & Thomas More. Prior to his administrative work at the college, he was a professor of philosophy. Marshall also formerly served as the assistant director of the Archdiocese of Washington’s Catholic Information Center. He is a founder of the New Saint Thomas Institute, an online Catholic theology educational program, and the Troops of Saint George, a Catholic scouting organization.

YouTube Channel

Way of the Fathers

A podcast about the Fathers of the Church-the foundational figures in Christian history. Hosted by popular Patristics author Mike Aquilina of

CatholicCulture YouTube Channel
Way of the Fathers Podcast

True Light

The Sheptytsky Institute launches its podcast with Pascal Bastien and Brian Butcher

Sheptytsky Institute YouTube Channel
True Light Podcast