What to do when Church Services have been suspended?

We’re living in uncertain (but not unprecedented) times and our routines have been disrupted. Many of us feel anxious and fearful, and in an age of “fake news” in a “post-truth” world we’re not sure what to believe or who to trust. Of course, we can (and should) turn to God and put our trust in Him.
Truth be told, the human race has survived many catastrophes in the past: famines, war, invasion, and plagues (The Black Death, The Plague of Justinian, The Spanish Flu of 1918, etc) and we’ll survive this latest crisis, to be sure. To put things in perspective, 120K people still die of Cholera per year, almost 37K died in car accidents in the USA in 2018 alone, and 10 people per day drown in non-boating related incidents. However, this is the first time in our modern lives that we have to deal with such a potentially live changing crisis. It’s important that we ask ourselves how we should respond to it and make this suffering redemptive. Ask the Lord for wisdom and a divine perspective.
Thankfully, we live an a modern age with unparalleled conveniences and access to technology. In the absence of a Sunday Divine Liturgy we can attend physically, there are numerous resources we can make use of to fulfill our Sunday obligation and participate (at a distance) in other Lenten services. But, even though we’ll likely be unable to physically receive the Eucharist, we are still able to make a Spiritual Communion.
In the history of the Church, there have been many cases when people didn’t have access to the priesthood, to the sacraments and to physical churches, yet God made them great saints. Consider this “global pandemic” as God’s way of encouraging you to grow in your faith, prayer life, and Lenten sacrifices. As much of life’s typical distractions have now disappeared, we don’t really have an excuse not to. Ponder the idea that it’s easier to be a saint in a time of trial than in comfort.
Rather than binging on Netflix, open your Bible instead. By following this New St. Thomas Institute Reading Plan (PDF), you can read the entire Word of God in 1 year. Download it to your smart phone or tablet for easy reference.
Below, are some resources you can use to sustain your faith, and “attend” Sunday and Lenten services.
Zhyve.tv | Живе Телебачення
This “socio-religious” project of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church is online voice of the UGCC, facilitating the spiritual growth of the faithful even when they are unable to physically attend church services.
Живе Телебачення (Живе ТБ, Телебачення УГКЦ, УГКЦ наживо) – це суспільно-релігійний проект Української Греко-Католицької Церкви, який забезпечує присутність УГКЦ в медійному просторі та надає віруючим можливість чути голос Церкви, приймати участь у богослужіннях навіть в той час, коли вони не мають змоги відвідувати храм особисто.
Live Streams
Live Liturgy.com
Live Eastern Catholic Liturgies in North America
Live Eastern Catholic Liturgies in Europe
Edmonton Eparchy – Eparchy YouTube Channel
List of Alberta Parish Streams
*Check parish websites for service times
St. Josaphat Cathedral
Facebook Live Stream
*Note: You must be logged into Facebook to access the stream
Descent of the Holy Spirit, Lloydminster, AB
Liturgical Service Live Streaming
St.George Ukrainian Catholic Parish Facebook Group
Facebook Live Streaming
*Note: You’ll have to join the page for access and approvals aren’t automatic.
St. Basil the Great Ukrainian Catholic Parish
YouTube Channel
Zhyve.tv | Живе Телебачення – YouTube Channel
New Liturgical Movement.org
Live-Streamed Masses